I'm interested in a certain technology field and want to better understand the existing patent landscape for the relevant technologies. How can I get a good overview?
The execution of a patent search will provide the desired information.
This search may serve as a starting point for more detailed and advanced clarifications by patent professionals.
It will identify how strongly a certain technology field is protected by already existing patents.
It will deliver information about technical features' protection, which is helpful to understand restrictions for your own technical solutions and provides inspiration for new ideas too.
Key applicants (players) in this fields are identified to derive business-related conclusions.
For more advanced clarifications, deeper insights, and reliable conclusions, advice from a patent professional is required.
Execute a simple patent search using a global patent database.
This search can be based on keywords, technical descriptions, or patent technology classes (CPC, IPC).
Its results can be sorted by different criteria, depending on the purpose of the search:
- Relevance of the search result.
- Applicant names, to understand key players in a field.
- Countries or regions, to understand local impact.
Review the patent information retrieved for a first overview and insights.
Only first clarifications are typically possible without being a patent professional.
A wise approach is advised. Simple patent searches provide a first understanding that will be completed by the advanced searches and analytics provided by patent professionals.
More advanced patent search tools, combined with professional experience in patent searches, increase the quality and completeness of the search.
The level of insight gained from such searches can be increased using advanced patent analytics tools and experienced patent professionals.
Legal clarifications and conclusions should be supported by qualified attorneys.