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Abu Dhabi the Capital of Capital

The gateway to business and economic world in the emirate of Abu Dhabi


The Abu Dhabi Department of Economic Development (ADDED) helps support a thriving ecosystem for businesses and individuals while shaping the economy towards global competitiveness and diversification.
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Global Leadership in Competitiveness and Economic Diversification.

ADDED leads initiatives towards achieving a knowledge-based, smart, diversified, inclusive, and sustainable economy. This includes research-backed policies and transformative strategic programmes that employ the best talents, global technology, and expertise.

To advance the economic interests of Abu Dhabi, ADDED further cooperates with regional and international partners, creating innovative synergies built on transparency, innovation, and knowledge exchange.

Chairman's Message

Guided by the far-sighted vision of our leadership, Abu Dhabi is rapidly transforming into a world-leading smart, inclusive, and sustainable economy.

Our supportive business environment, unparalleled connectivity and infrastructure, and an entrepreneurial mindset are fueling opportunities that ensure all can reach their full potential.

Our soaring ‘Falcon Economy’ and determination to future-proof our nation is the guiding light for the next phase of our transformative journey that will enable our proud Emirate to reach new heights.

Working together with partners, we are investing in sectors of the future – life sciences, food and water, cutting-edge technologies, energy transition, financial services, tourism, trade, and logistics – businesses that show huge potential to expand and grow, accelerating our growth in the years ahead.

With carefully thought-out strategies, business boosting measures, and friendly ecosystems, we have been able to turn headwinds into tailwinds during challenging times witnessed by the global economy.

Our programmes and initiatives are opening up new industries and markets, supporting entrepreneurs, growing the private sector, and attracting more quality foreign and domestic direct investment (FDIs and DDIs) than ever before.

At ADDED, we are determined to transcend limits to drive forward this sustainable economic development to create a vibrant, globally competitive powerhouse of trade, finance, and smart manufacturing in Abu Dhabi, the thriving Capital of Capital.

Most importantly, we are placing human ambition and sustainability at the heart of all that we do for a brighter future for generations to come.
We are truly cementing Abu Dhabi’s status as preferred destination for talents, investments, and businesses.

H.E. Ahmed Jasim Al Zaabi Chairman of Abu Dhabi Department of Economic Development


Global Leadership in Competitiveness and Economic Diversification.


To become a distinguished organisation competent in creating an incubating environment for economic growth that empowers the private sector, encourages innovation, and strengthens competitiveness in Abu Dhabi.


Path-breaking business opportunities fueled by the growth strategies of the government

We empower our vision and realise our mission with strong, human-centred values.


To consistently deliver on goals and take responsibility for all relevant stakeholders


To develop a culture of innovation which rewards creativity and positive disruption

Team Spirit

To embed collaboration and cooperation as pre-requisites for organisational success


To adjust and respond to emerging challenges quickly and effectively


To always perform all services at the highest level for the benefit of all stakeholder

Customer Centricity

To provide all customers with a positive experience at all points of interaction all the time

We propose strategic and executive plans for the economic sector as per the Emirate Article 3 of Law No. 7 of 2018, gain approvals from the Executive Council, and oversee their implementation. We also manage all the relevant bodies to oversee disbursement of budgets, revenues achieved, commitment to duties and functions, and the endorsement of the strategic and executive plans. The Department has the right to authorise some of its competence to other governmental private entities with the Executive Council's approval.


We organise all aspects of the economic sector by establishing policies, criteria, regulations, decisions, along with executive and operational circulars regulating the sector. The department supervises relevant regulations, agreements, and treaties applied in the sector, locally and internationally, and coordinates with the respective entities within and outside the country. We license all the entities, companies, and employees working in the economic sector and monitor their commitment to delivering the best service quality as per the effective regulations and coordinating with the relevant entities. We suggest fees, tariffs, and costs related to its specialisation, and report them to the Executive Council for approval in accordance with the adopted policies.


We deliver periodic reports and analytical studies on ADDED's competence to the Abu Dhabi Executive Office. Our responsibilities extend to undertaking any other functions or tasks assigned by the Executive Council.

  • Achieve knowledge-based sustainable economic development.

  • Oversee the business sector and implement economic initiatives, while proposing the best policies for optimal progress.

  • Formulate programmes, plans, and development projects that support economic innovation, adopting the best economic practices, hiring the best human resources – harnessing modern technology and international expertise.

  • Create a business-friendly ecosystem based on transparency and knowledge exchange, while promoting the emirate’s globally attractive investment opportunities.

  • Advance the Emirate’s economic interests through collaboration with relevant partners to enhance the economy’s competitiveness regionally and internationally.

  • Develop an attractive climate for investment through marketing plans that increase awareness among current and prospective investors.


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