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Clean Energy

Clean Energy

Abu Dhabi's journey towards clean energy investments reflects a promising future for sustainability in the region.

The Emirate's commitment to clean energy is more than just a strategy – it is a blueprint for a long-term, diversified and an environment-friendly economy.

While Abu Dhabi maintains an exceptionally competitive advantage in the energy sector through traditional sources, it has pioneered innovative and sustainable solutions to facilitate a transition to alternative energy systems. 

Abu Dhabi’s sustainable energy efforts are a reflection of the national agenda. In the country’s drive to diversify to a knowledge-based economy, the UAE non-oil sector's contribution to GDP exceeded 74% in 2023. The UAE has also pledged to reach net-zero carbon emissions by 2050 and announced it would invest AED 600 billion in clean and renewable energy.


UAE Energy Strategy 2050

To address the growing demand for clean and renewable energy, Abu Dhabi has outlined its commitment to creating a new model of energy sustainability in line with the UAE Energy Strategy 2050. The plan aims to: 

  • Eliminate the contribution of clean coal to the energy, achieving climate neutrality goals by 2050
  • Increase the contribution of clean energy in the total energy mix from to 30% by 2030
  • Create 50,000 new green jobs by 2030 
  • Increase consumption efficiency of individuals and corporates by 42-45%

Abu Dhabi is consistently adopting several policies and strategies aimed at addressing the impacts of climate change, energy storage, energy-efficient technologies, improving air quality, water, and food security, and conserving the UAE’s natural resources. 


Focus areas 

To help achieve the sustainability goals set by the UAE Energy Strategy 2050, Abu Dhabi has identified key priority fields to improve in the energy sector:

  • Renewable energy 
  • Clean alternative fuels 
  • Energy storage 
  • Carbon capture and storage 
  • Energy efficient technologies

Strategic energy partnerships

To accelerate towards its sustainability and clean energy goals, Abu Dhabi is forging impactful partnerships with both public and private entities. 

Boosting Sustainability with the Emirates Water and Electricity Company (EWEC) 

Emirates Water and Electricity Company (EWEC) and the Abu Dhabi Department of Economic Development (ADDED) are working together to augment sustainability practices and the adoption of clean energy certificates across the industrial sector. This collaboration aims to encourage the private sector to adopt renewable energy and contribute to the Emirate's sustainability goals. 


ADIO Partnership with Siemens

The partnership between Siemens Energy and the Abu Dhabi Investment Office (ADIO) is a collaborative to foster innovation and speed up the implementation of CleanTech solutions, which are essential for the UAE's net zero ambitions. 


Sustainability initiatives

Various government and non-government entities are engaging in significant renewable energy and sustainability initiatives to further empower the non-oil energy sector in Abu Dhabi. 

  • ADNOC, one of the world's leading energy producers, is set to allocate AED 55 billion by 2030 to low carbon solutions, new energies, and decarbonisation technologies.


  • Noor Abu Dhabi,the world's largest single-site solar plant, is predicted to reduce the UAE’s carbon footprint by 1 million metric tonnes per year.


  • Through theMasdar Initiative, Abu Dhabi has committed more than USD 15 billion to renewable energy programmes.


  • The Barakah nuclear power plant, the UAE’s first nuclear power station, is expected to prevent up to 22 million tonnes of carbon emissions every year – the equivalent of removing 4.8 million cars from the roads.


  • The Abu Dhabi Hydrogen Alliance launched in 2021 and comprising ADNOC, Mubadala and ADQ will advance low-carbon green and blue hydrogen in emerging international markets and help build a substantial green hydrogen economy in the UAE.


Page was last updated on: 24 Mar 2025 06:00:52 AM
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